EXCLUSIVE: Free 92-page e-book chronicles the field’s inexorable growth and influence over the last 50 years. A historical document.
EXCLUSIVE: Free 92-page e-book chronicles the field’s inexorable growth and influence over the last 50 years. A historical document.


Positioning integrative health organizations for long term growth while advancing evidence-based integrative medicine as the standard of care.

FON is a leading integrative health and medicine strategy and business development consulting firm. FON specializes in custom solutions for increasing product sales, growing patient volume, and developing programs.


Diagnosed with “incurable” leukemia in 1991, FON’s founder, Glenn Sabin achieved complete pathological remission without conventional treatment. His extraordinary case is documented through the Harvard medical system. After his first remarkable clinical response in 2003, Glenn asked “So, am I a freak of nature?” His oncologist—a Harvard dean—replied, “No, you’re a ‘Force of Nature’ ”. Thus, FON was born.


We all have a story … what’s yours? How can we help you achieve your business goals?



Ship charting new terrain, sun rising

Out of Crises Comes Opportunity: Will You Seize It?

You are sitting in your virtual boardroom, clinical space, or manufacturing plant, contemplating the future. In addition to us all doing our personal and professional best to lift our communities above crisis, we attend online sessions, keep up with a torrent of emails, and consider the troubling question about our economic future. Solely on that subject, one thing is clear: out of crises profound business opportunity is often born.

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Image of blog title with a motorcycle driving on the freeway.

Social Media’s Free Ride Is Over: Challenges and Opportunities

As an Integrative health organization that has invested significant time and resources building audiences on social media, you are now faced with a stark reality: You do not own your profiles… nor your followers, likes, and subscribers; you simply rent them. The rules of engagement are beyond your control. The social media ‘organic reach’ free ride is officially over. It has been for a while—ever since Facebook pulled in the reins on how many of your business page ‘likes’ see your content. Social Media Organic Reach Versus Paid Advertising Originally, you signed up for the opportunity to cultivate and grow an infinite audience, over many months—even years—in order to engage them in your brand. This is ‘free’ social media organic reach. It still exists, but largely in a limited form. There are myriad ways in which you can pay to boost posts or place targeted advertising across social media channels. Paid options for targeted advertising and boosting posts will always be available—more than ever, as the big social channels follow Facebook’s lead with a ‘pay to play’ model.

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Lifestyle Medicine’s Indisputable Foundation of Health and Access

Lifestyle Medicine’s Indisputable Foundation of Health and Access

I’ve been professionally engaged with the integrative health and medicine field for the better part of a decade and, as a 28-year cancer ‘thriver’ of a so-called incurable malignancy, I’ve watched this movement up close and personal half my life. Through FON, I’ve consulted hundreds of clinics, businesses, and organizations; participated in chronicling The Rise of Integrative Medicine; and written on the various names and nomenclature—and the numerous tents that comprise one, albeit loose-knit camp of mostly well-intentioned organizations, passionately aligned in service of health creation.

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Your Integrative Health Brand and Platform: Invest or Fail

Whether you mainly trade on your personal brand or lead an organization, sustainable success is wholly dependent on relationships. It’s based on your reputation in the market, and how you make people feel. Your processes, sales-savvy, or technological prowess alone will not guarantee your success; if you solely rely on tools and process, your empty enterprise will ultimately fail. Don’t get me wrong: your systems and processes are important. So is your logo, enterprise name, tagline—even the typography, colors, and design aesthetic are critically important (we’ll talk about these vital elements of your platform in a few minutes). But all that stuff means nothing if you somehow skimp on the brand fundamentals.

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The Power of Effective Copywriting to Engage and Sell

Is your own copywriting hurting your integrative health brand? I write quite a bit: for this blog and my personal blog. I regularly craft comprehensive assessments and business development strategy documents for clients, and I’ve authored a memoir. Everyone looking to be a thought leader (aka key opinion leader or KOL) in the integrative health field—or wanting to be well-positioned within their local community—should write. I discuss this here and here. However, none of the above falls under ‘copywriting or ‘messaging’. From my perspective as a writer, copywriting and tight messaging are the most challenging types of writing. Strong copywriting requires exceptional skill, the result of tons of practice by those who have the gift of deep insight. Writing sharp, highly engaging copy is a singular art form. It involves the expertise to carry a unique, even tone, which targets an identified buyer persona or avatar.

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Integrative Health Business Development: Assess First, then Strategize & Execute

The engagement process through which I lead companies, regardless of their size and type, is always the same: Assess, Strategize, Execute. This essential process need not be all that complicated when you carefully peel back the layers and conduct a review in an organized, comprehensive manner. The Assessment exercise is key, allowing transition from a disordered entity to a logical, clearly defined framework; often, in relatively short order. Whether you are launching or looking to grow a new practice, service, or other type of integrative health enterprise, you can make significant progress toward reshaping your brand or business strategy by prudently following FON’s method on your own. Ready? Here’s the three-step approach FON employs when working with clients.

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